Friday 27 June 2014

Preet Lite Low Cholesterol Fat

Preet Lite Low Cholesterol Fat

 About Preet Lite Low Cholesterol Fat

Preet Lite Low Cholesterol Fat is an ideol product for cooking, Frying, Baking and use for paranthas, puris, pulao, Halwa, Khichri, and topping,of pawbhaji etc. and use like desi ghee.              

Nutrition Values 
Nutrition Value per 100g.
Energy (Kcal) 899.1
Fat (g) 99.96
Saturated Fat (g) 43.47
MUFA (g) 32.27
PUFA (g) 21.70
Trans Fat (g) 2.52
Vitamin A (mcg) 600
Vitamin E (mcg) 65
Cholesterol (mg) 13.20
Protein (g) NIll
Carbohydrates (g) Nill

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